Discover practical tips to create a peaceful, cozy home and embrace balance in busy city life. Learn how small changes can transform urban living into harmony.
Treating the home as a space equal in significance to the sacredness attributed to sanctuaries is very common, for example, in Bali and Norway. This approach shifts the focus from what we own to where the home is and what makes it! For Norwegians, the home is an essential part of hygge—a place of comfort and solace. I believe this perspective is worth remembering: the home is created by us.
Treating the home as a space equal in significance to the sacredness attributed to sanctuaries is very common, for example, in Bali and Norway. This approach shifts the focus from what we own to where the home is and what makes it! For Norwegians, the home is an essential part of hygge—a place of comfort and solace. I believe this perspective is worth remembering: the home is created by us.