#015 — Be happy, the rest will work out
Trying to uncover the secret to happiness, delving into the Japanese concept of Oubaitori, testing a new way to search, and more.
Welcome to another edition of Slow Letter! In this weekend issue, we'll focus on finding happiness in our daily lives, even when the reality around us isn't always perfect, because happiness is also a matter of attitude and choice.
We'll also take you on a journey to Japan, where we'll discover the concept of Oubaitori – a philosophy that teaches us acceptance and respect for our individual pace of development, and how we should follow our own path rather than compare ourselves to others.
But that’s not all! What else? Continue reading and you’ll find out yourself! There’s more quality content and inspiration inside though, so keep going…
As always, we invite you to comment and share your own thoughts. Remember, we're here to inspire each other and find joy in the little things. Happy reading and enjoy your weekend! 🌿
Our finds. Get inspired!
✻ How to be happy every day? Wait, this isn't clickbait! We know that often many things around us suck, but that doesn't mean we have to surrender to sadness. The following story is years old, but it will surely inspire and move you. Onto a happy life!
✻ In the enchanting world of nature, the concept of Oubaitori, or “carried by the cherry blossom”, reminds us that every living thing has its own unique rhythm and pace. This concept has its roots in the ancient Japanese kanji characters for four distinct trees that blossom in the spring: cherry, plum, peach, and apricot. Each of these trees has its own unique flowering period, with the plum tree typically blooming first, followed by the cherry, apricot, and finally, the peach.

Just as the plants bloom in their own time, each of us embarks on a personal journey of growth and self-discovery at our own individual tempo as well. And that’s completely fine! Oubaitori teaches us to honor and respect these individual journeys, recognizing that there is no singular path to success or fulfillment. Just as we marvel at the diversity of a flourishing garden, we must celebrate the unique qualities and timelines that make each of us who we are, and grow at our own pace, without comparing to other people.
✻ Have you noticed lately that Google Search is returning worse and worse results? Or is it just us? Anyway, here’s a nice tool to try – called Perplexity. You can treat it like another search engine, except for how it really works under the hood. When you ask it about something, like you would in a traditional search tools, you get much better and more expanded results. Perplexity searches the whole web, prepares a short answer for you and even provides appropriate citation! It’s much faster and just better than traditional process of searching, opening a few websites in new tabs and manually scouting for information. Besides, their design and marketing team are on fire with graphics like those below. Give it a try, you may be surprised!

That's cool too!
✻ This Teenage Engineering TP-7 recorder and its review. “If God came down to Earth tomorrow to deliver 10 more commandments, the TP-7 is what we’d use to record them—if we could afford one”. Link ➤
✻ Ultimate french press technique, presented by James Hoffmann. For a perfect coffee, every time . Link ➤
✻ Coachella – one of the largest music festivals in the world has just begun. Are you curious how the lineup looked like in the past? Link ➤
As we're on this journey together, it would be an honor to hear what you think about our issues and about things that inspire you. Feel free to suggest topics or share stories you're interested in!
“Luck is not a business model.”
– Anthony Bourdain
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